Monday, October 5, 2015

The reason that I learn Japanese

I always believe that people will learn things because of their interests. I'm very interested in Japanese animations, that's the first step for me to get in touch with Japanese. I want to know more not only about Japanese the language, but also Japanese culture, lifestyle and so on. I want to go traveling to Japan someday, so mastering the language is a must. I will make more efforts on learning Japanese and I hope I can go to visit Japan in a near future.


  1. Hi, I’m Kohei Ohtsuki, Japanese student from Ritsumeikan University. Please call me Kohei. I’m 19years old. I major in international business in this university. I’m so lucky to exchange in such a way! I used to be basketball player. Although now I’m absorbed in dancing, my favorite sport wouldn’t be changed. These days my hobby is watching American movie, so I envy you. And more, I’m familiar with Japanese Anime. I’ve heard you learn Japanese. If you have something to know, do not hesitate to ask me! I’m looking forward to your uploading your blog.

    1. Thank you so much for your reply! Nice to meet you! I'm gonna type in Japanese for the following part, so if there is any grammatical mistakes, please tell me and I will try my best to correct them, Thank you! 初めまして。私はヨウ・ミャオヤンです。中国の北京から来ました。今年二十歳です。今私はコロムビア大学の三年生です。せんこうは英語です。日本のアニメの事が大好きです。アメリカの映画も好きです。私は日本語があまり上手ではありませんので、よろしくお願いします。Thank you so much for reading my Japanese work. I'm really not good at speaking or writing in Japanese now, so I'm so glad that I can communicate with you via this way. Thank you again for your reply!

    2. I'm glad to receive your reply! There is no longer a grammatical mistake.So have courage to write in Japanese! Go for it! I hope someday taking together with Japanese. By the way, What kind of anime do you like? And, how do you spell your name in English? I'd like to know that!

    3. Thank you very much for your encouragement! My name in English is Miaoyan Yang. It's a little bit hard to be pronounced. Miaoyan is OK. わたしのすきなアニメですか。そうですね。いまはくろこのバスケです。それから、たんていのアニメもすきですよ。たとえば、さいきんの「櫻子さんの足下には死体が埋まっている」。こへいさんはこれがごぞんじですか。おもしろいですよ。ところで、こへいさんはなんのアメリカのえいががすきですか。Looking forward to your reply! Have a good day!

    4. Sorry for being late to reply. I can only reply in this class per a week. OK, I call you Miaoyan. くろこのバスケおもしろいですよね。ぼくはずっとバスケットをしていたので、よくみていました。「櫻子さんの足下には死体が埋まっている」、なまえだけしっています。おもしろそうなので、こんどぼくもみようとおもいます。にしても、ほんとうにアニメにくわしいですね。にほんのひとでもこのアニメをしっているひとはすくないです。どうやってみつけるんですか?
      Among American movie, I like "The Sixth Sense". Though it is quite famous. I want you to tell your recommend movie!
      Take care of yourself. Have a nice day!

    5. It's not late, thank you for reply! I have heard of "The Sixth Sense", it's a horror movie, right? I don't usually watch those type of movies actually. But if you like that, I recommend you to watch the movies of David Fincher's, such as "Gone Girl", "Fight Club" and so on. He's a pretty good director. I hope you could enjoy his works. わたしはよくインターネットでアニメのしりょうをさがします。だから、いろいろなことがしります。そして、ちゅうごくもアニメのサイトがたくさんあるんので、よくそこでみますよ。こへいさん、にほんのひとたちはよくアニメをみますか。なんのアニメですか。I really hope you would enjoy those movies mentioned above. Looking forward to your reply. Enjoy your days!

  2. 私もアニメとテレビシリーズが好きです!一番好きのはルルシュウです!あんたは?

    1. さいきんはくろこのバスケです。

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. わたしもくろこをみます!

    4. わたしもくろこをみます!

    5. とてもおもしろいですね!だれがすきですか。くろこですか。かがみくんですか。わたしはきせくんがだいすきですよ~

    6. とてもおもしろいですね!だれがすきですか。くろこですか。かがみくんですか。わたしはきせくんがだいすきですよ~

  3. わたしは、2012に、にほんのよこはまととうきょうへいきました。すごいです!

    1. そうですか。わたしもいきたいです!
